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Building the Pizza Hut Brand in Indonesia

PT Sarimelati Kencana, Tbk was established in 1987 and is engaged in the consumer foodservice industry, particularly pizza and pasta. In 2004, the company was acquired by Sriboga Group and since then, Pizza Hut Indonesia has successfully expanded into 516 outlets with an average of 6 million customers served monthly.

Pizza Hut restaurant
Innovative menu from Pizza Hut

Introducing American Pizza to the Locals

Pizza Hut Indonesia offers a range of innovative menus. From the popular original pan pizza to the iconic cheesy bites, the brand has innovated its recipe to suit the local taste buds.

Penetrating the Online Delivery Services

In 2007, PT Sarimelati Kencana, Tbk decided to expand its expertise into the delivery service, widely known as PHD. Today, there are a total of 257 outlets across the archipelago, earning the brand a total of 86.6% market share in the country.

Pizza Hut delivery service

Locations Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut locations in Indonesia

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